Step 1: Create the account Google code
Figure1: Form to register a project code in Google code
Completing the form registers account project Google code. You have two version control system. I recommend choosing the “subversion” version control system.
You can chose any Source code license with is suitable with you software and remember your project will be opening source now.
Finish by click to create project.
Figure2: main controller of Google code host
Step2: Add your partners to Google code host
You need add your partners to you Google code host. It will be useless if you do your project alone (never do that)
Remember your partner need to have Google account. It is Google mail account
You will have 3 the kind of developer
- · Owner: who can change this project
- · Committer: who can add more but cannot edit your project(I’m not sure)
- · Contributor: as non-members
Figure3: Adding partners
Step 3: Get Link SVN
Click in the tab Source/Checkout. It will show you the link svn of your Google code project
Figure 4: Link SVN of your Google code host with username is your account
Step 4: Get password your account
Figure 5: Password to use in Google code svn
Step 5: create project in visual studio (installed Ankhs)
Create new project in Visual studio (VS)
Figure 6: creating project in visual studio
Step 6: add Project to SVN Google Code
Click right in your project and choice “Add solution to subversion” if you want add all solution to Google code (first time, I recommend that) or “Add selected solution subversion” if you want to add only selected project to Google code host
Figure 7: add svn to your project
Repository URL you get the link Google give you but you need some small edit this link
You have to remove “svn checkout” at the top and remove anything after “truck/”
Your link will be:
Figure8: insert information of Google code host (svn host)
Click ok and wait configuration box. Click ok again. It will ask you to login to your svn. This time you use the
· Username is username of the Google account.
· Password is pass Google code gave you(remember it is NOT the password of your Google account)
Your project will be ready to use svn
Figure 9: after add svn to project
Step 7: Commit editing in project
First time, you have to commit all you project (Solution) at the first time. After the first time after you finish you work and need to upload you code to svn host you do it again.
To commit:
Click right on your project and chose “commit solution Changes”
Figure 10:
Step 8: Update editing in project
You can get new code from you partner by click to you project and choice “Update Solution to Latest Version”
(Other functions of Google code host I will update later)